I met my intuitive gifts at a time in my life when I deeply needed to pivot.  I found myself mired in a pattern of choosing situations and relationships that created a chasm between me and the life I had dreamed of. I normalized living separate from my spirit.  When I hit that pivot point, I had nothing to lose but my addiction to living a life didn’t serve me, and I knew it started with going inward.

On the advice of a dear friend (thank you, Cate!), I went to my first energy work session. Free of expectation, I laid down on the table, my practitioner placed her hands over me, and my world exploded.  I encountered an inner world…an inner ME that I hadn’t experienced before that moment—one that was so much more vibrant than I ever imagined. That night, I met myself again and reconnected with the joy that had lived within me all along.  Since that night, I haven’t looked back.

My experience that night set me on the path to becoming a healer, a teacher, and a forever learner who knows firsthand the impact of deeply transformational healing work. At the heart of my practice is the unending gratitude I feel for the ways in which energy work has regenerated my relationship with my life and the lives of the people with whom I work.  Because my core belief is Authenticity, I am passionate about empowering you from this high vibration space.  My work is intuitive and highly curated to your specific life journey. I want you to have skilled, supportive energy work as you explore and expand, because a healing path built to serve your needs invites freedom…the freedom to be the most vibrant, dimensional, and authentic version of yourself.  This is true health.  I want you to know and love how it feels to to be in harmony with your wise and wonderful intuition and to live powerfully from this place inside of you. At my practice, you will ALWAYS be loved, supported, and valued for WHO YOU ARE. Thank you for allowing me to serve you on this journey.

It’s time to meet yourself again.


Victoria Squazzo RMT, HPA, CECP, RYT-200 is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Holistic Practitioner of Ayurveda, and Emotion Code Practitioner who has been in private practice since 2014 and happily serves both People and Pets. Her experience and skill in blending various wellness modalities aligns with her belief in the collaborative power of energy work, mindfulness, and movement to promote and support emotional/spiritual/physical life balance. Victoria treasures guiding those she serves to heal and to experience life from their authentic power and truth. To better support those she works with through receptive body awareness, Victoria holds additional certifications in Vinyasa Yoga, Yin Yoga, Mat Pilates, Barre Extend, and Group Exercise Instruction.