A choice to let it all unfold


I don't know about you, but I'm at a pretty critical juncture in my story. I imagine that what we as a collective have gone through in the past year and a half has invited us all to consider our choices going forward. (Invitation received!)

Personally, Professionally, and Miscellaneously, I am eager to call in some badass things:

more awesome health seekers to work with, a 2-week Caribbean cruise, a good night's sleep and Roy Kent. (See Ted Lasso for the skinny on Roy Kent...but don't get any fresh ideas...I've got my energy beam locked on that honey!)

My past is littered with manifestation attempts that require creating and executing a finely-tuned plan with military precision AND obsessively considered details.

Oh, yeah...And a boat load of luck.

Before I get any further, I am in no way judging the aforementioned way of getting it done. Many have found it successful. For me and for many of our community members, our reflections have led us to recognize that this approach lacked dimension, a significant part of our energetic experience--- the dimension we never knew we always sought.

As both a recipient and facilitator of energy healing, I've grown to deeply accept

(with joy) that we are more than what we put out and create under our own steam. In my story, I was leaving my journey all up to what I could control and "figure out". I left the surprise out of my life plan. I left out random opportunities, significant conversations, energetic connections and out of the blue synchronicities that can and do happen each and every day and can be miraculous.

These "happenings" are our everyday miracles. If we are available to take them in, they just may be our watershed moments. It's exciting to be available to collaborate on your life experience, and in order to do this, we may need to choose to let go and let it all unfold.

So maybe, today, we let go.
And then we let go again.
And again.
And, dang it, again.

We may have to let go everyday, and that's ok, because it reminds us that we are safe when we trust fall into the flow of life. We are even more available to manifest the deepest desires of our hearts and maybe even more than we imagined, because we exhaled our dreams into the Universe to let the HOW and the WHEN take care of itself.

There is improvisation required in dimensional, energetic living. We surrender and invite our buddy, Possibility, into the writers room. Our offering the clarity that comes from knowing our desired emotions and how we want our life to feel---the deeply connected feelings that show up as jobs, people, adventures in our miraculous and expansive lives. We take each moment we are given and trust that our freedom is still with our ability to choose, because we trust our intuition to know what we need. And then, shock of shocks, we let the Universe/God/Higher Power/Energy Conscious do its thing.

And, We Let Go and Let It All Unfold.

"I would love to live life like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding."

-John O'Donohue

May you be inspired, ignited, invited
by your best life always.


The Longer I Live,The Younger I Grow.