The Longer I Live,The Younger I Grow.

Hello Lovelies!

I've been thinking a lot about you all. This is complex time for us, and I hope it has offered you space to love and trust yourself, because you are all magnificent!!!

I will let you in on a little secret: I have always wanted to live to be 120. (This "goal" age was inspired by novels about a group of immortals that I voraciously consumed as a youngster...ok, they were actually romance novels and they rocked!) Just to clarify: when I say 120, that's an at least age! (I would totally consider immortality as an option.) I aspire to live every year as a total badass until I'm done. I don't tell many people about my dream to live this long, because the few times I have, it was received as a punch line to lighten the mood.

I have a deeply ingrained passion for life and living. I feel literally full to bursting with the desire to INHABIT my life from the inside out! I want to do it all, and my thirst to experience the most varied and vibrant aspects of life are far reaching.

I want to take my time to explore, see, touch, learn...and I don't want apply social accepted narratives and boundaries that discount me as an individual .

I don't think that anyone (before I met Doug, a powerful healer who channels the angelic realm and a sweetums of a guy) had ever told me that I wasn't bound by any narrative that devalued my potential and if I wanted to align with a present and a future that fit like my Sunday Best=120+ years of Badassery, then align with it I must! Doug invited me to commit to CANCELLING anything that clashed with my conviction to live without limits. I was reminded of my ability to say: No, I don't accept that I have to struggle as I age. I don't have to accept that my mind will not remain sharp. I don't have to accept what society tells me happens to everyone. I cancel this and I embrace and bless my desire to be continually restored.

Doug reminded that me that I have power to co-create, collaborate and at times, command my life. What a privilege that is! have choice and providence to use my perspective to take each day as it comes and not define myself by the number of candles on the gluten-free cake in front of me. Look, do I know moment to moment how my life will look? Nope. Do I know when this lifetime will transition me to something else? Umm...Big NO. But what I do know is that if I continue to view my experiences through a lens that I am clear DOES NOT SERVE me, I am aligning myself with disempowerment and not making space for a limitless outcome.

SO... I am going to choose again.

I am going to make space for the Universe to guide me to miracles and joys that have been, up until this moment, beyond what I thought I could have. As many times as it takes, I will CANCEL and REFRAME my words, my thoughts and my energies to align with what I intend for myself..."The Longer I Live, The Younger I Grow". As I speak this mantra over and over, I feel my energy connecting with my words and my spirit realigning with possibility.

My intent is to apply this lesson to all areas of my life. I cancel my words if they limit me, and I make new choices when my old ones hold me back. I refuse to characterize my life by any standard or model for anything other than inspiration. I am ready to be continually surprised and amazed by what's in store.

"We are limited, not by our abilities, but by our vision." -Khalil Gibran

This week's invitation for each one of us is to collaborate with life and let our vision be truly fee. Many of you may already feel freedom as you craft your life, one day at a time. I tip my Yankees Cap to you! For those who resonate with needing to see past the wanky knee, the number of candles on the cake or a lengthy life challenge, maybe this is a time to consider widening your scope of belief. Let yourself be free of the predictable...which opens up exciting possibilities.

Maybe you can ask yourself the following questions and see where they lead:

What is important to me?

Do I want to have an ever expanding canvas upon which to paint the colors of my world? Do I believe that success only comes after the struggle?

Do I expect my life to look a certain way?

Does a "lifelong" injury have to be lifelong just because it has been historically so for others?

Does a dream have to remain a dream, because it's a far-fetched one?

Am I stuck in what I am experiencing now and letting that inform my tomorrow?




getting back in the game


A choice to let it all unfold