getting back in the game


It's been a while, and I've missed you all! I mean, of course I're fabulous.

As you've likely surmised from the picture above, I've been hibernating...hibernating in 95 degree weather...but hibernating, none the less. Turns out that blackout shades and air conditioning can turn a Southern Spring into an Alaskan Winter Getaway.

And to be honest, I've felt quite good. Lack of clarity...a certain fuzziness...would be the best way I could describe my main vibe of the past few months. (If any of you can relate to that, I'm giving you the virtual version of the eye-to-eye hand gesture...)

Instead of being bent over my laptop which my mind gremlins kept telling me I should be doing, I let myself lean into the process of recovering from the past few years and a bout of COVID. Honorable Mentions go to finding a cold brew I liked that didn't give me the shakes, doing daily emotion code work on myself, spooning with my cross-eyed cat, and beginning a full re-watch of The Big Bang Theory while re-organizing my bedroom to shift the energy flow.

My mantra this winter/spring turned out to be:

Honor Where You Are and Appreciate this Time of Stillness.

I began to see that I was being gifted with time to decompress and work on the smaller and the less externally obvious of life's details (with the exception of training and running a marathon! More on that in my next communiqué...) I knew that my laying low days were going to fade at just the right time, and when I struggled to trust my own voice, the healers and mentors that I work with patiently reenforced this loving truth to me (God/Universe, bless them!) not to mention my intuition set a daily alarm to remind me to cool my jets until it was time to launch. It was important for me to be in the right alignment to create, to serve and to imbue any and all contributions with purposeful, joyful energy as opposed to the energies of "need to" and "have to".

Even when the fuel of Purpose and Highest Good Timing launched me into this new flow, I had to find my way. My enthusiasm was high fiving post-its to every wall in my room, and I found I was a lot closer to putting up pink and purple checkered wallpaper than I was to setting my current inspirations and energies into motion. I needed a tool...something or someone to join me, to see me...if only to organize

(read: hide) my post-its or tell me to just do one of the things staring at me from a 2x3 sticky piece of paper... and the Universe sent me Caveday.


(Caveday, for those not in the know, "hosts virtual co-working sessions" that help members focus in sub 1-hour "sprints" to get stuff done. BOOM!)

I signed up, showed up, and everything changed. One thing, One tool, at the right time, and it was all I needed to realign with a more forward-flowing version of myself. I like to call my Caveday Relationship one of collaborative accountability. (...and that baby works like a charm!) In collaborative accountability we join our partner---for me, it was the Caveday platform---and our offering is to show up... their offering is to witness us stepping into the frame and encourage us with their presence to stay and to enjoy what shows up when we do. Since Moment the 1st, this collaboration sat me down, engaged my momentum, and brought rhythm to how I engaged with the work...which gave me space to create with JOY.

It also reminded me of 3 things, and maybe these reminders connect with a part of your story...

1.Life is ebb and flow...and we can make an empowered choice to ride in harmony with the energy as it offers us ever-evolving landscapes to explore. Some energies will be still and some will be highly active, and both will be purposeful and perfect.

2.Tools are BADASS and meant to be utilized, to be of service, and are highly valuable. You don't always have to tough it out or judge yourself for needing a framework, a friend, or a zoom meeting you pay for 4x/year...

3.Post-it wallpaper is the thing this year, just you wait.




The Longer I Live,The Younger I Grow.