Embrace the unknown

"Relinquish your attachment to the known, step into the unknown, and you will step into the field of all possibilities." -Deepak Chopra


I believe that all possibilities exist. 

If you know me or have spoken to me more than once (or maybe it only took once if I was on a roll), you will know that this is a belief about which I am rather passionate. I think it's all out there...every opportunity, formula, synchronicity...all existing in our magical Universe. It is such an exciting awareness to have, and I am grateful for this unshakeable knowing, never more so than when I am far away from feeling its truth in my life.

When chaos ensues, dreams falter, cars need a new computer (check, please!), it is easy to attach meaning, purpose, and emotion to what is current and present in our lives. This provides comfort if not joy, and often times, we will choose comfort over that potential joy. It can also make it easier to be less conscious about what may be existing out of alignment in our present that we don't have a solution for. (We are addicting to figuring things out!)

I have found that when stressed, it is hard not to revert to the known patterns of struggle, pessimism, and disempowering  beliefs.  It is what I have done historically, and my body and mind know how to do it well. So, thank goodness for that awareness that I can tap into to remind me that there are opportunities, formulas, and synchronicities that I don't have to figure out or know to align with. My life experience is a snap shot of a small series of options taken... 46 years in the making, so how could I know all of the possibilities that are available to me and that are yet to be seen? All of this unknown potential is existing RIGHT NOW and is swirling around in the Universe as I write this sentence.

When I get lost and separated from the joy of possibility, I look back at some of the most "random" encounters that could only come from being in the way of possibility to remind myself of what I know to be true.

Check this out...

So, little ol' me began subbing at a local yoga studio. I happened to check my email 1 minute after a sub request was posted, and HUZZAH I snagged it sweet Vinyasa class for a Friday morning. I showed up nice and early and ready to OM my way into the student's hearts. Only two yogis showed up: a mother and her son who was visiting from Flagstaff, AZ. They were early, so we got to chatting. 

Here's where it gets synchronous...

As the son and I chat, we discover that not only did we do our undergrad at the same school (IU forever!) but that we were both music majors and my college roommate is now one of his favorite colleagues! (Shut the front door !) So we do a little selfie and send it to our friend and go into the studio and have a great class. A post-flow chat follows and before we roll up our mats, he has hired me to teach a body awareness series to his master's students. 

This was a powerful way for the Universe to remind me to loosen my grip on my life and let it draw me into alignment with the limitless and fantastical nature of possibility.  When I lose my way, I think about that story and how I felt so open and so unattached to needing to know what was going to happen and when it was going to happen and how it was going to happen...and that's when something happened!

So, here I am...back at the start. 

All possibilities exist.

For all of us.

In every moment.


I embrace the unknown with curiosity and a full heart.

I step out of the grasp of what is behind me and take only the wisdom and clarity I have gained into the present. 

I let go of the need to control my destiny.

Every possibility is available to me.

I place ultimate trust in myself to dissolve doubt and encourage faith.

I am excited to unfurl, moment by moment, as the life of my dreams reveals itself with every breath…I AM LIMITLESS.

Be Inspired. Be Ignited. Invite yourself to live your best life Always.


the Energy we carry

