expect the unexpected

"To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect." -Oscar Wilde

Who has heard of Astrocartography? Not many of you? Yeah, it was a new one to me when it was mentioned in two separate conversations in this early new year.

Astrocartography, or Relocation Astrology as it's called more casually, maps out the lines of energy cast by the position of each of the planets (the moon and a few minor asteroids) at the time of your birth. These energies can promote aspects of the self based on how close or how far you are to each of these lines of energy as the personality or character of the planets nearby influence you positively, negatively, neutrally, or "all of the above".

As this kind of thing is my JAM, I googled all of the free sites, dowloaded the charts and maps and had no idea what I was looking at. That's OK... I just paused and read 2 books about it... standard operating procedure for me. As a curious sort, who is just a teeny bit intense at times (stop laughing right now), when I fixate on something I find fascinating, I split leap my way to the rabbit hole and swan dive into it with a smile on my face!

The 4-1-1 on my deep dive into RA is that since landing in mostly sunny and infinitely warmer North Carolina, I haven't felt settled. This isn't my first move, and I know these transitions can take time, so I did not head south with a suitcase of expectations. During the back half of the Lockdown, being in a climate that offered me opportunities to be outside in winter and live a lifestyle that softened my energy were game changers, and I am lounging in gratitude for being where I am. ( ...I wrote my last post from the outdoor lounge! )

Two years into my adventures here and as I continue to feel as though I am not truly grounded here, this ungroundedness is starting to itch more deeply. When RA flowed into the conversations, I felt as though the Universe was presenting me with a tool to find out where I would ground and settle...wherever that was to be. I was ready to lock it down!

With this realization grasped tightly in my fist and the aforementioned Swan Dive, I took off in search of my tomorrow with a vision focused entirely on seeing an obvious X marks the spot on my personalized Astrocartography Map.

Snacks and drinks can be delivered to

Victoria c/o the Rabbit Hole

You Haven't Learned Your Lesson Yet, North Carolina.


During a recent Reiki treatment with my mentor and friend, Kari, I excitedly and somewhat stressfully told her of my RA adventure and how as I continued to pursue my ideal landing spot, I noticed that I was overthinking every possible option, because on paper, nothing was the Divinely-Inspired 100% match I was hoping for. I wasn't sure where to go next. I wondered if contacting a Pro Astrologer was the next step.

And Kari (God Bless her!!!), with all the love in the world, told me to pump my brakes.

Kari reminded me that looking for an answer and working diligently to figure out the solution may be scratching a big itch and satisfying my need to DO SOMETHING, but am I really being told to find my spot on the map now, or am I being invited to put another tool in my tool box as I continue to be drawn toward what's next...?

There is such richness from keeping an open focus that spans all that's available...like Unexpected Signs and Insights from the from unplanned conversations and spot on wisdom from a friend. And what about revelations I have as the pieces start to come together when I'm ready to receive them all. By keeping my nose in the map, I was telling the Universe "Thanks for the help. I'm good now. I've got this."

I sighed in relief, took a moment, and gave myself permission to pause, unstrap the pressure I had put on my back, and reflect on what Kari was sharing with me. I wanted to absorb what I was receiving through her.

I have been on a journey of seeing the wider life experience more dimensionally. I've welcomed a surrender to my Highest Good and to the wisdom of the Divine. I've shifted towards a boundless perspective that invites all synchronicities onto the canvas of my life. And while my sprit has soared, my high sense perception has increased, and my personal power is now a palpable energy I've claimed, I am human and have triggers that come up from time to time. And like an oreo-ice cream sandwich, this was one of them. I jumped, I leaped, I dove, I led with the drama, and that's Ok, because the Universe found another way to tempt me out of the rabbit hole, besides easier access to the snacks and drinks.

Kari shared with me something she received recently that reset and re-centered me:

The Oath of Manifestation by Agape International Spiritual Center

I have copied a portion of the oath below. The rest is all over the internet, and is just as awesome as the bit I have shared here. The wider life experience includes (hallelujah) the unexpected, and I hadn't invited it the (search) party. It feels so good to lean in joyfully instead of fearfully to the unexpected. Many of us have been taught to worry about what we cannot prepare for or figure out, because predictability is what we have been taught to prioritize. That way we can count on just ourselves...but oh, if we go it alone and shut down all of the wonderful dreams, ideas, lessons, adventures because we can't imagine what the Universe may put in our path, we are missing out on the power of that Magic feeling of letting ourself receive and learn more that what we expected. Who knows how something is going to come into our lives?...

...Whether it's the 6th munchkin that shows up in your bag when you only ordered 5...

(random example out of nowhere)

...The call/text from a friend you haven't spoken to in years who just wants to say HI...

...The job that was posted 2 seconds before you logged onto Indeed that seems like a

perfect match...

...you get my drift...

Will you join me in embracing a wider vision for what is possible and open yourself up to fully receiving abundance and joy and enlightenment from something unexpected. This is how we can move toward a more present and conscious life. I'm all in for that...and I'll keep you posted on where I'm off to next...just as soon as I align with it.

"I accept and receive unexpected good, unexpected money, unexpected love,

unexpected kindness, unexpected generosity, unexpected offers,

unexpected prosperity coming in unexpected ways from

unexpected places in my life and the life of others."

-Agape ISC


THe best medicine


Responding to LIFE