Responding to LIFE

Both Ancestry and 23 and Me have affirmed that I am a genealogical melting pot of nationalities, and yet, it is safe to say that my appetite and attitude are all Italian. ( my poor, non-Italian mother can attest...Sorry, Mom!) I'm quick to a second helping of dinner whether or not I'm hungry and just as quick to react passionately to anything that gets my goat. This hasn't always been a successful way to handle my emotions and responses to life, but hey, I come by it naturally! While it's certainly comforting to retreat into long-ingrained habits, as I continue to grow and evolve, these unconscious and reactionary behaviors...even that second bowl of pasta...don't seem to fit me in the ways they used to.

Responding to Life


Both Ancestry and 23 and Me have affirmed that I am a genealogical melting pot of nationalities, and yet, it is safe to say that my appetite and attitude are all Italian. ( my poor, non-Italian mother can attest...Sorry, Mom!) I'm quick to a second helping of dinner whether or not I'm hungry and just as quick to react passionately to anything that gets my goat. This hasn't always been a successful way to handle my emotions and responses to life, but hey, I come by it naturally! While it's certainly comforting to retreat into long-ingrained habits, as I continue to grow and evolve, these unconscious and reactionary behaviors...even that second bowl of pasta...don't seem to fit me in the ways they used to.


The immediate need to act when faced with any stress is one of those triggers I am ready to drop for good! I chose to prioritize being present and connected to my energy in order to make more aligned decisions for my life. I knew I would at some point run up against the old pattern of reacting to my circumstances and welcomed the confrontation, as it meant that I could begin the process of dismantling an anxious behavior in favor of adopting a more conscious, and dare I say...grounded practice of Responding.

My work in this area of my life has helped me check-in with how I am feeling, what I am needing, and what will serve the situation I am facing. I am learning to trust the tools I have nurtured that have helped me make decisions from a place of peace and understanding. Giving my inner knowing, my wise and divine inner knowing, a say in the manner in which I take on my journey feels so very right, and I don't think that I would be able to return to a place where I squelched my truest voice. Every time I have reacted to my life, I have done that, and I don't want to do that anymore. It feels better than I ever imagined it would to trust that I have the tools I need to make decisions that are building a rich and fulfilling life.

I am no longer "waking up" and finding myself half way down a road I wouldn't have chosen. And, yet...if that did manage to happen again, I would feel so very comfortable with planting my Italian self on those double yellow lines and surrendering to the moment until my clarity chose to speak her beautiful voice. And then I would rise and stride confidently in the direction of her calling.


Is this something that you are working on? Do you have triggers that cause you to react to situations instead of responding to them?

If you do, maybe the affirmations below will provide an anchor to keep you in the moment...empowered and available to choose for you.

I dissolve and uncreate the unconscious habit of reacting.

I respond to my life from the grounded energies of peace.

I take all the time I need to make an empowered choice.

I align my decisions with my present and highest self.

My actions arise from intuitive guidance and reflection

My power, in every moment, remains my own.


expect the unexpected


the Energy we carry